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Surrender to the divine destiny

Joseph suffered cruelty from his own brothers. He was sent by Jacob to seek the welfare of his brothers but they sought to kill him instead. The greatest hurt Joseph endured was not physical in nature but the emotional hurt of being hated by the ones whom he loved. They were jealous of him and so they hated him.  

In life there are times when we get hurt by those whom we dearly love. Even those whom we consider as brothers and sisters can turn against us for no reasons. Joseph was stripped, thrown into a pit and left to die. The most beautiful thing about this story is that when Joseph's status quo was unexpectedly challenged, God opened the door of divine destiny before him. What they intended for his harm turned out for his good.  

All things work together for the good of those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.  If you are stripped off the things that you cherish the most, know that God is preparing something much better. Joseph's varicolored tunic would have remained on him if he was still in his father's house but the royal robe of Egypt would have evaded him. Today if you are being pushed into the dark pit of obscurity, tomorrow you will be found in the bright palace of popularity. Your helpless state is setting you up for a state of influence. Get ready, for everything is about to change. 

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An ordinary man who heard and responded to an extraordinary call from God. Walks in the conviction of that call, confident in the anointing that carries him, dependent on God's amazing grace and passionate to see his generation consumed by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Lives to usher in and be a part of the end-time revival. Apostle & shepherd over Revelation Church. Husband & lover to Nisha. Father & friend to Damien, Kristyn and Kathlyn.

- Dilip Koshy Koshy
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